
Interview: 基思•尼尔森, CEO of Craneware

请看Daily Business Insider对基思·尼尔森的采访, CEO of Edinburgh-headquartered software company, Craneware.

在软件公司Craneware位于爱丁堡的总部,像如今的许多其他办公室一样,宽敞的开放式办公空间为为数不多的员工提供了充足的活动空间. 很少有证据, 事实上, 这是一个企业的中心,支撑着超过2家公司的财务业绩,000家医院和其他医疗机构在美国.

“It gets busier,” says the receptionist. “It depends what day you come in.自从弹性工作制成为常态以来,全国各地都在讲述这样的故事. 基思•尼尔森, Craneware’s founder and CEO, 此外,该公司750名员工中有三分之二在美国,“他们在那里与客户进行大量面对面的工作”。.

Craneware的不同寻常之处在于,它的总部设在博天堂入口,但所有业务都在海外. 它提供的软件使美国私营医疗服务更有效地运作. 它为美国40%的医院提供服务,这些医院每年在运营和管理成本上花费5000亿美元.

当被问及他们如何看待一家博天堂入口公司努力改善他们的资产负债表时, 尼尔森表示,Craneware在美国有两个办事处,员工遍布全国. As for the report card, 他讲了一个关于一家医院的故事,如果没有Craneware带来的节省,这家医院将被迫关闭产房.

“We have returned $1.通过改进他们的系统,向该部门提供50亿美元。. “So we are making a difference. It isn’t sexy stuff, but we do get cool results.”

明年4月, 尼尔森将纪念他与他的学生时代的朋友戈登·克雷格(Gordon Craig)创立这家公司25周年,戈登·克雷格也仍在该公司工作. He admits that this must make him a veteran of the technology sector. 这当然意味着他是所有行业中任职时间最长的ceo之一, 其中包括在一家上市公司担任主管的16年.

“我仍然对这项业务充满热情,对开始新的一天感到兴奋,他说, expressing no desire to step aside. 该公司目前在另类投资市场的估值为5.4亿英镑, during a more bullish period, peaked at $1 billion, 使其成为博天堂入口独角兽之一,从未得到应有的认可.

Neilson’s interest in software goes back to his schooldays, dabbling in coding and creating his own game. 他在赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot Watt)学习光电子学,并参加了一个他非常喜欢的研究生企业项目,这让他尝到了经营自己企业的滋味. 他申请了IBM的毕业生计划,结果在面试当天被告知该计划将被取消. 他最终以承包商的身份为该公司工作,“这意味着做的事情大致相同”。.

随后,一家招聘公司应运而生,创办Craneware的想法是在他和他的美国女友在美国的时候产生的, 后来他的妻子, attending a Thanksgiving dinner.

“我遇到了一位医疗保健顾问,被这个市场的规模所震撼. I wrote it up for my MBA.”

The consultant was inputting data on the sector manually. 尼尔森为她编写了一个软件程序,并与她建立了合作关系,后来她加入了Craneware, that he and Craig launched in 1999.

他们从博天堂入口银行(Bank of Scotland)和洛锡安投资基金(Lothian Investment Fund)筹集了资金,并开始瞄准医院, winning contracts and building a decent revenue stream. 该公司, based in the Tanfield offices in Canon Mills, was floated on the AlM in 2007, when the consultant sold her stake and departed.

“You could say we owe her a debt of gratitude, but we also provided her with a healthy exit,尼尔森说.

Being on the AIM has given the company greater visibility, 他说, 不过,对于市场追踪公司进展的能力,他的心情很复杂.

他表示:“我们推高了营收和Ebitda,但市值只有峰值水平的一半。. “其中一些在我们的控制范围内,但目前流动性非常少.

“A reason for being a public company is to get M&一个资本,但我不确定伦敦市场能否在一段时间内提供这样的资金.”

他说,市场需要改变,以帮助中小型企业, 包括围绕研究的监管,这些监管不再那么广泛地传播,使散户投资者处于不利地位.


“那位投资银行家一直在挑拨我们俩的关系,”他说. “这让我看起来有点天真,我不得不忍气吞声,因为我们的独家合同已经到期了. But we eventually took business off them anyway.”

一年后,他成功地以4亿美元(2.82亿英镑)现金和股票收购了Sentry Data Systems,从中吸取了教训, 总部位于佛罗里达州的SaaS解决方案提供商,该解决方案简化了药房采购的复杂性. It also provides business intelligence and consulting services.

It added a customer base of 10,000家医院, pharmacies and clinics, including more than 600 US hospitals.

“Sentry has been a great move for us,尼尔森说. “We were able to scale the business quickly.”

至于英国, the company may not operate here, but 他说 it benefits indirectly from the US healthcare service.

“It has so much money flowing through it for new techniques,他说. “Drugs are trialled in the US and then go into other countries. 如果我们能帮助这些美国医院继续营业,那么全球都会受益.”




年龄: 54

教育: 巴勒诺高中,赫瑞瓦特大学(普通科学学位)

职业生涯突出: IBM(承包商), Checkpoint Securities (sales and marketing), ran a recruitment business; set up Craneware in 1999.

What was your first taste of business life?

当我们10岁或11岁的时候,我和戈登(克雷格)编写电脑游戏,并在拉索的学校和社区里出售. We learnt programming from lists of codes in a magazine.

Where did the name Craneware come from?

There are two stories. One is that I was in the Malt & 和戈登一起跳,看空手道小子,当有起重机踢赢得战斗. 另一种说法是,它采用了克雷格和尼尔森的首字母. It’s probably a bit of both.

What do you find frustrating?

缺乏节奏. I like people to be thinking and coming up with new ideas.

Poilitical thoughts?

Ireland is setting up a sovereign wealth fund. Why can’t Scotland do that?


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来源: Daily Business Insider
